SuperDARN Workshop 2025
June 2-6, 2025
Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Important Dates
The 2025 SuperDARN Workshop will be held June 2-6 at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center in Roanoke, Virginia, USA. The Workshop is being hosted by the Virginia Tech SuperDARN group with support from the National Science Foundation and other contributors. This event will continue the tradition of SuperDARN Workshops in bringing together scientists, engineers, and students with shared interests in space science, especially as these can be advanced by application of the radars of the international SuperDARN collaboration. We will discuss technical developments, planning across the collaboration, scientific advances, and coordination with satellite missions and other ground-based instrumentation. The schedule includes a half-day excursion to Blacksburg, home of Virignia Tech, with visits offered to local points of interest, a reception, and a dinner.
3-day versus 5-day programs: For those more interested in attending the scientific sessions, we offer a registration that extends from Tuesday to Thursday where these sessions will be concentrated. The 3-day program includes participation in the excursion to Blacksburg and the Workshop banquet on Thursday evening.
We look forward to welcoming you to a stimulating week in the beautiful and relaxed setting of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia!
The Virginia Tech SuperDARN 2025 Workshop Organizing Committee
Mike Ruohoniemi Jo Baker Bharat Kunduri Kevin Sterne
Email: sd-2025-g@vt.edu